A little Texas update

Hello from South Padre Island,

We've been here for almost three weeks. We have a two bedroom apartment in a two story, ten apartment, building about a block from the ocean. It's not as nice as our find last year, but clean and neat and just fine for us. There's a small pool, which attracts the sun seekers around noon and a happy hour gathering every afternoon.
Kay has been continuing the exercises that the rehab people in GL taught her, and we have been riding bikes almost every day. She's up to a half hour ride now and is really happy to be back on a bike. She has always enjoyed riding here and was really looking forward to it. This makes the whole trip worthwhile. Some days it's challenging due to the wind, but she perseveres.
We have checked out most of our usual haunts, as well as some new ones. Thanks to Harry alerting us to the Texas Monthly article about barbeque joints, we've added two new places that had some fine offerings. We have yet to make it to the #1 rated place, but we may before we head north.
The photos are: Kay at our pool (the purple flowers are vinca), Kay at a small orange grove owned by a grumpy old Buffalo, NY transplant, and me in front of a colossal poinsettia at the orange grove. This guy is only grumpy with me, he likes the ladies. The difference in his demeanor is night and day, it's hilarious. The black containers of oranges are a variety called Mars, and are $5. That size lasts us about a week. They're so fresh and juicy it's worth the
15 mile drive.
Enough for now.


iturnawrench said…
All the way down there and you still have jackets on. You wouldn't last long here the way the weather has been the last two or three weeks. 20s during the day and close to zero at night.
Sarah said…
so great to get a posting from you two - it looks wonderful down there. i agree with jeff, better to be there than here - it is getting super boring to have day after day of grey and cold - hope that makes you feel even better!
vaturner said…
Perhaps the jackets are just part of the training you are going through for your trip to Accra. Loved the pictures!

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