We started 2009 the same way we started 2008 - at a New Year's Eve Pow Wow in Manistee. Fortunately it was indoors at the high school gym. Here are two very short videos - First one is Glen dancing.

The second video is Johnny Petoskey, a friend-of-the-family who is a "grass dancer". Grass dancer's outfits are supposed to simulate the tall grasses that grow on the prarie and their dancing moves are supposed to look like they're stomping down the grass. Enjoy.

I'm finally learning how to use the features on my digital camera and I'm discovering already that it doesn't have a big enough memory.

Aunt Cyn


Chris Turner said…
Aunt Cyn, with the first post of 2009, congratulations. And very informative, too, we're glad to glimpse into Glen's Pow Wows.
Sarah Turner said…
not only the first post of 2009...but isn't this the first post from cynthia at all? great to see - i think she gets the award for most interesting new year's eve!

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