
Showing posts from December, 2006

Christmas in the first

The distribution begins. Ginger and Jason Walker. Gary and Ginger Walker. Nick and his beloved Spartans. The Walkers and their grandkids. The hosts.

Sophia's 4th birthday: 11/30/2006

Sophie is the guest of honor with Miss Andra and the Grand Ledge Cooperative Preschool 4-year old P.M. class. Sophia and the Mickey Mouse cake choice that Tiff whipped up nicely, with Josh in the background. The requested Easy Bake oven .

Cori's basketball season (and Tiff's commencement into the politics of coaching)

The Neff squad. The great defender, rebounder, and scorer. The all-important stretching session. Pre-game. Last second preparations. Game action.

Nap time redux

From our own camera.

New email from or

Hey Turner Family blog participants, You should have now received an email from me at one of the above addresses, with instructions about how to re-subscribe and re-contribute to the Turner Family blog. Please pardon the additional step for registering, as you now need to create a google account using your email address, but this is the direction that was heading. There should be a link in the email for all the steps necessary to register with google and take part in the new blog, but feel free to contact me if you have any further questions or problems. Thanks, Chris

Nap Time

What former wrestlers do after a huge Thanksgiving Dinner and a couple adult beverages.

Grandma Turner continued again

Perhaps my favorite Grandma photos, with Sophia at about 9 months.

Grandma Turner continued

July 4th holiday @ Clementines , Grandma with her beer, Seamus and Tiffani nearby. Back at the house after lunch... likely after a Sherman's visit. Sophie and her best friend, her thumb. Grandma and Seamus, about 15 weeks old Christmas 2004

Grandma Turner

These pictures represent a quick posting of the photos we have of Grandma on our iMac. More may be burned to discs that are in our desk, and which I'll be checking this weekend. Enjoy, reflect, comment, and post your photos as well. An excerpt from Aunt Cyn's calendar Christmas 2005 Post-Christmas meal 2005 Christmas 2002 Christmas 2002 Christmas 2002 Christmas 2002 Christmas 2002 Christmas 2002 Christmas 2002

The biology and behavior of earthworms

I know, I know, the topic of this entry is hardly earth-shattering, nor is it necessarily Turner-related. But in my trot over to Neff Elementary yesterday in the rain, it was hard not to notice all of the worms wriggling on the sidewalk, attempting to not drown with all the water in the ground. Knowing the approaching cold front, I figured all of the worms were going to be caught up outside and frozen. Cut to today, GLPS has a snow day, the kids and I troop outside to shovel mushy slush off the sidewalk and to generally exercise. What are the contents of the slush, what is it that is in the shovel? Not-so-wriggly worms. This is what happens to a guy that has a commute now for the first time in 12 or so years, and is alone with his NPR and his thoughts.