Sophia's Surgical Narrative

A camera and microphone are installed on all modern Macintoshes, along with an application called PhotoBooth, which allows users to take photos of themselves, along with movies. Thursday after Sophia's surgery, Seamus was upstairs playing Mario Kart on the Wii, and from the back room, curiously, I could hear Sophie discussing the previous day's procedure and figured it was via PhotoBooth. Without anyone's urging she videoblogged the enclosed entry, and I tracked down the video file in her account to upload for everyone's information.


Harry Turner said…
Hey, thanks for the narration, Sophia! We hope you'll be feeling better soon, and we were really happy to watch your video message and to see all the pictures and the story of your surgery. Hope you're staying warm and getting up to lots of fun things with your family. We'll look forward to seeing you again soon when we next visit Michigan.


Harry and Rebecca
Cynthia Turner said…
Sophia, thanks for your story. Hope your hand doesn't hurt any more.

Aunt Cyn
Hello Sophia,

It's great to see your video, all the way down here in Texas. We loved seeing you explain your surgery. We miss you and your whole family.

Grandma and Bampa
vaturner said…
Great video Sophia! What a cool necklace you made, it looks like there is a dog tag on it just like what your Uncle Jason wears. I'll be sure to show him your video when he gets back from Germany. Thanks for sharing your story. ~ Ahni
Sarah Turner said…
Sophia! i just love that you went ahead and filmed your own video - you are such a 21st century kid! i am not even sure that i know how to do that! i loved hearing your update and seeing where they took some skin -it seems like you were very brave. i hope your hand heals beautifully, i'll look forward to seeing it when i next see you! love,

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