A Best Friend, Yes. Best Runner, Maybe Not.

I thought I'd post this article about running with your dog, since that's an activity we aspire for Izzy, and it features a Catahoula.


Cynthia Turner said…
The National Geographic Channel has a regular TV program called "Dogtown" about an animal shelter of last resort in Utah. (We get the show on Friday nights up here). The name of the place is actually Best Friends Animal Shelter or something like that and they take in animals, mostly all dogs, that can't be placed anywhere else (they got all the Michael Vick fight dogs). Anyway, last week they featured a story about the rehabilitation of a Catahoula who was extemely shy and fearful, the opposite of the normal breed behavior. It was quite interesting and I thought of you, then this article . . Hope Izzy is growing well.

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