Some Christmas Spirit

Glen and Cyn took advantage of the great weather in November and set up our best Christmas light display yet. We're always talking about it, so we thought we'd share some of what it looks like. The photos don't give you the total atmosphere that you would get driving by, but the fact that Cyn stood out in the road late at night with the camera and tripod made us want to share.

The whole scene from the end of the driveway, looking up toward the house.

Some detail of the toy soldiers by the parking area.
Santa, Mrs. Claus and a few elves. The candy canes lining the driveway in the foreground.


Kay & Bil said…
OK now - we finally get to see your winter display. Are the lights over the garage arranged on purpose to look like a nose and eyes ?
Cynthia Turner said…
Actually, the Christmas decorations came first, but they did give us the idea to make a giant Jack-o-lantern smiley face at Hallowe'en. In October, our neighbors call us the "Pumkin House"

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