Successful Elk Hunt 2009

On December11,2009 Andy Miller was sucessful in bagging the elk cow, pictured above. The elk was taken in northeastern Otsego County, near the Pigeon River State Forest, close to Vienna. He was the lucky winner in the tribal hunting license lottery (only available once every 10 years), but was only allowed to shoot a cow. This particular animal weighed in at 345 lbs. Andy got a lot of help and guidance from his friend and employer, Bill Hoffman (owner of Hoffman orchards on the Old Mission Peninsula). Bill is an avid hunter and even though he didn't get a license this year, he was willing to pick up Andy at 5:30 am two days in a row, drive 2 hours in the worst weather we've had this year, and probably loved every minute of it! The size of these animals up close is impressive, to say the least.

As is tradition, Andy performed a tobacco ritual - tobacco is placed in the animal's mouth, and a prayer is said for the spirit of the Elk (me-shay-wog)- in thanks for giving up it's life.


iturnawrench said…
Andy is a great "Giwisayininiwug"
Kay & Bil said…
Wow, and double wow !! That's a lot of meat. Congratulations !

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