Key to Group Photo

Here are the people in the group photo. Adults, left to right: Mickey Wanageshik (great nephew, grandson of Phyllis) Vivian Pedwaydon (married to cousin Frank), Frank Pedwaydon (cousin), Glen (needs no introduction), Tanya Wanageshik (niece -Phyllis' daughter), Dennis Miller,Phyllis Wanageshik (Glen's sister), Jami Miller (daughter-in-law), Cyn (also need no introduction), Connie Pedwaydon (married to cousin Al), Devyn ( our granddaughter), Al Pedwaydon (cousin), Gayle Manzano (Glen's sister), Samantha (Gayle's granddaughter), Roger Miller (another cousin), Homer Manzano (Gayle's husband), Marty Manzano (nephew, son of Gayle and Homer), Ralph Miller (brother), Steve Manzano (another son of Gayle and Homer), Steve's pregnant girlfriend (not sure of her name), Charlie Wanageshik (Phyllis' granddaughter). The two little boys in front are Parker Miller (our grandson), Andy Manzano (Gayle's grandson)


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