August Update

All of our stuff arrived safe and sound, we just had plenty to put away.
That same night we had a function to attend at the Ambassador's residence. Since Jason was the acting DATT we got to ride in the Lightly Armored Vehicle (coming through the gate), which was an improvement over the taxi I have been taking.
Yaw spent several hours trying to assemble the basketball hoop we shipped over. I later helped him and together we were able to put it together.
One of the care packages contained some clothes for the kids and Meg picked up the scent of Grandma on one of the shirts.
Lastly, both Meg and I found someone to cut our hair and boy did she cut!


Kay & Bil said…
That is a million dollar couple..WOW! Love to see the kids and Meg, your hair looks great.
Tiffani Turner said…
Who's that sexy mama with Jason? Wow, looking good Ahni!
Meg, I love the hair cut! Cori is begging to do the same. Sophia did recieve your email Meg, we will sit down this weekend and reply!

Love to all,

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