
As everyone knows, we had to put our beloved 13 year old Gretta down late in August. Ahni said that we'd know when the time was right and truer words were never spoken. It was a very difficult evening full of emotion and crying in our house. I kept hoping that my old friend Doug was there for her, his arms wide open, waiting to take her for a walk that night. It helped to sooth my aching brain. When you don't have kids your dog becomes more than simply a pet. Gretta was my dog initially but gravitated to Jenny halfway through her life. Due to my heavy workload Jenny had a buddy she could spend lots of time with and they formed a wonderful bond over time. It never ceased to amaze me, these last few years, how that dog only cared about Jenny and I was just some other human in the house. While it's been difficult for both us it's been doubly traumatic for Jenny to lose her pal. At the end of the day, she was still my hunting buddy though, always eager for a mouth full...