
Per mom's email this morning (in re to communicating with the Ghanian Turners), I got Ahni and Jason, Meg and Garrett on a video conference call this afternoon using the program Skype, freely downloadable here. If you have a broadband connection, and if you have a webcam (they're built-in on all iMacs and Mac laptops) you can see and talk to them (or us) for free using Skype. Even if you don't have a webcam, your computer's microphone allows you to speak to any Skype user for free. With a paid Skype plan, you can even leave voicemails for Skype users, or use it as a text messager to people's mobile phones. Simply download and install Skype, acquire a username or handle (mine is turnec, Tiffani's is coniso23, and they are alwturner) and you're all set to videoconference. Skype is a terrific means for maintaining contact -- did I mention that it's free? -- it's how I was able to say good morning and goodnight to the kids while I was travelling for BER. For figuring purposes, the Ghana Turners are only 4 hours ahead of Eastern Standard Time.


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