Good Times in Ghana

Fors some reason I can't see the pictures to add the captions in the proper place so I will do my best to describe the photos here. The first shot is of Meg and Garrett in the pool at the temporary quarters. Next, Meg and her friend Becky on horseback at LaBadi beach which is a ten minute drive from our house. The beach wasn't terrible but I wouldn't go there to swim or lay in the sand. The third picture is of us visiting a local Bakery/Ice Cream parlor. Samuel is on the left, he has been our driver for most of our outings. He is employed by our Social sponsor and drives us around when he can. He's also becoming quite good at bowling. The woman standing next to him is Lisha, she arrived a few days after we did so she tags along with us on our adventures. The last picture is of Meg's friend, Becky, when she finally got her lobster!


Chris Turner said…
In my non-slumber last night, I checked tickets to Accra for a variety of dates for comparison and information's sake: $2180! But that lobster looks good, did Meg and her friend make up yet?

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