Jewelry acquisition
Recently, we traveled with Sophia to Ann Arbor to consult with her hand surgeon, and over lunch she expressed her desire to get her ears pierced, so on the way home we obliged. Actually, our waiter recommended a nearby tattoo parlor for the piercing, which we all thought would make a great story, but we were turned away due to her age. Thus, a visit to the Lansing Mall.

In advance of the gun.

Directly after the simultaneous guns. Sophie was stoic for quite a moment, but the gal on the right of the photo exclaimed it's OK to cry, to which she obliged.

A shy attempt at thumbs up, a tear visible on her left cheek.

A forced thumbs up.
In advance of the gun.
Directly after the simultaneous guns. Sophie was stoic for quite a moment, but the gal on the right of the photo exclaimed it's OK to cry, to which she obliged.
A shy attempt at thumbs up, a tear visible on her left cheek.
A forced thumbs up.