The Patriarch's 70th Birthday @ Arcadia
Stacy, a Grand Ledge graduate, explaining the labeling machine that was acquired from Budweiser. |
Cruising through the Twitter this winter, I note that Aradia -- a semi-local brewpub, and of which mom and dad are founding members -- is having what they term a 'beer dinner' on April 28, which also happens to be dad's 70th birthday. Thinking that it's a natural occasion and destination to celebrate dad, the Turner boys scheme to get him there.
The first course was titled Caprese Salad, which was a balloon made up of mozzarella cheese, basil noodles that resembled green beans, a tomato juice espuma, and a balsamic reduction. The espuma -- a culinary term for foam -- and herb combination was aromatic and very flavorful, the noodles were of a positive interest to me, and cheese is cheese: hard to fail with cheese.
Next came Carlson Farms Chicken, where the free-range, organic chickens were raised locally, wood roasted, coated in an orange honey glaze, and served with chived sweet potatoes and a fake caviar made up of bubbles of balsamic vinegar. The chicken was simplistically, sweetly good, the sweet potatoes an absolute delight, and this course was washed down with Arcadia's Whitsun.

The final entree was Arcadia Spent Grain Fed Beef, served with beets in an 'open faced ravioli.' The pasta was thin, very pliable, and delicious, especially when combined with the au jus. The beets were un-extraordinary, but I'm not a fan anyway. The beef was titled Spent Grain due to its having been raised on the grains discarded from Arcadia's brewing process, and donated to a local farmer. Turns out, I'm a big fan of recycling.
Then the dessert course: homemade vanilla ice cream made with Arcadia's Starboard Stout and bits of bacon, and a brownie, again made with bits of bacon, all served with Starboard Stout. I've heard of sweets combined with bacon, but never had the time or inclination to bake my own, so this was intriguing uncharted territory. The taste is what I call a movie theater food experience: typical movie theater food combinations are popcorn and Milk Duds, resulting in a salty and savory, along with sweet.
1. Happy Birthday Bil. I really dropped the ball on this one, thought it was next year. Now we really are the "old People".
2. Cheers to the Turner sons for making the effort to pull this all together!
3. I watch a lot of Food TV and I've always been curious about some of the latest "techie" food. Sounds like it actually tasted pretty good.
and lastly, who drove you all home after all that food and beer?
We drove home carefully.
Happy Birthday!
Harry, Rebecca and Lucy