Aunt Cyn's Amazon Bowling Team

Just for fun, Cynthia and some friends put together a team for the Traverse City Women's Championship Bowling Tournament. We called our team "The Amazons" and determined that, to be on the team, you have to be at least 5'8" tall and weigh in at at least 150#. (Most of us exceed that requirement.) Because we bowled on Valentine's Day, we decided pink would be the theme and all agreed to spray our hair pink for the event. In order to look mean, we also had to do the under-eye smudge, but that had to be pink too. Thought you might enjoy a couple of team photos.

In case you're wondering how we did - we didn't score very well on the lanes, but we certainly caused a lot of "second looks" among all the other bowlers and spectators.


Sarah Turner said…
Cynthia! you are so great! it looks like such a fun night...totally hilarious. I think that there is a 'familial' relationship between Mom painting a red N on her face for the home games and your pink under eye smudge...ha!
xo, sarah
vaturner said…
Love the pictures! The kids and I discovered a bowling alley the first month we arrived in Accra and I hosted a "tea party" there last month. Everyone enjoyed themselves, but I think I would rather hang out with The Amazons!

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