40th birthday party roundup

New plants and a re-seeding of the lawn to freshen the immediate landscape: $
2.5 yards of pine mulch delivered and installed: $$
Groceries for appetizers, snacks, sandwiches, and party supplies: $$$
Wine: $
Beer and keg equipment: $$$$
Slushee machine rental and margarita mixins: $$$$

Epic birthday party not necessarily held to celebrate self, but to get neighbors, family and friends together: Priceless.

Early in the summer, I was languishing in full summer holiday mode, likely on the couch, when Tiff suggested we clean out and organize the garages. The logic behind working in the garages, besides the obvious tidiness, was the ultimate goal of a 40th birthday party for me; she had internally debated whether to tell me or not, whether it was going to be a surprise party, but rightfully settled on getting my assistance instead, since it was much of my clutter. Thus, June found us pitching stuff, CraigsListing stuff -- which was surprisingly fruitful, we downsized ourselves of spare items, all without the hassle of a rummage sale -- and donating items to charity or family, re-organizing both garages.

Tiffani, thankfully, (wo)manned the camera during the party so that some of the participants could be captured for the history that is this blog. Friends and family contributed snacks and food, and we are grateful for their efforts. The event had definite, notable stages: neighbors, family, then friends. Folks from the neighborhood, primarily the more senior ones, arrived very nearly on time, and it was a delight to visit with everyone in this setting. Family was the next group to arrive, mingling with the neighbors that lingered. Finally, friends came and stayed and went, with even some of my ex-wrestlers attending, and it made for a delightful night (what party would be complete without a wrestling match, complete with referee and witnesses wagering, in the front yard at its conclusion?). The margarita machine may have failed to freeze the mix, despite all of the tricks with which I plied it, but supplied the contents chilled nonetheless; the weather drizzled a bit, which could have been a downer for an outside party, but we had umbrellas over the tables and a garage as a beverage destination and a refuge; and, three of the kegs ran dry, yet one did not. The spirit of the day and night was great, and our thanks to all who attended.

The best picture that you can get of Raechel Marks, and old school chums Mike Marks, Randy Debler, Kevin Mullins.

Raechel, again avoiding exposure (perhaps there's a better picture of her hanging in the US Post Office, thus her picture avoidance?), Mike, Randy.

Randy, Kevin, and the 'Oh, Crap' kid.

Cowboy Dave Schroeder, Deann Gallagher, and Big Dog Jeff McKinney. It's not often that anything Cowboy Dave-related looks small, but Jeff makes that hat look like it would work better on Woody.

My brother-in-law's brother-in-law, Brett Gallagher and friend Linda Schroeder.

The godfather, the patriarch.

Tiffani's brother and sister, Jason Walker and Nicole Bebee, Greta McKinney, and Jason's wife Cindy.

Laura Novak, Jenny Turner, Karen Turner, Tal Novak, and the matriarch.

Old friend and food contributor Beth Mullins, with Jason looking on.

Mom, Jack, Dad, and Laura (foreground) sharing a laugh.

GLPS library colleague Nancy Rademacher, coaching colleague and neighborhood pal Tony Sweet and his wife Deb, and Greta McKinney.

Teaching colleagues Jeff Belding, Deb Traxinger, Gayle Madison (now retired), and Jeff's wife, Tanya.

Deann and Tiff.

Brother-in-law Daren Bebee sampling the wealth of food.

Jeff, Jenny, and Karen.


vaturner said…
Thanks for sharing, wish we could have been there. Nice outdoor table!

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