What, Easter in June?

Easter for the Belknap Turners started out in Mulliken, with egg-seeking and egg strata eating at the Grandparents Walker house. Michigan Easters seem to always be a guess as to the weather, but you can usually predict that it will be a gray day with a chill.

In Gary and Ginger's sunroom, Sophie is apparently nibbling something, and Cori is either dancing, or awaiting an urgent trip to the restroom.

Bounty for Seamus, with Daren ready to take pictures in the background.

The delight of treasure found.

Considering that Tiffani usually has the camera in her hand, there's precious few photos of her on the blog, she's way underrepresented. On this occasion, I have the camera and she has the camcorder, so we get to take pictures of mom, and Poppa is riffing with Seamus in the background.

After a lovely midday egg hunt and meal at the Walkers, it was off to Jack and Jenny's house for more eggs, candy, family, and food.

Nick is busting open the eggs that Sophia is supplying for the candy prize inside, and Cori appears to be asking permission to eat.


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