Professional Development Day: 22 January 2007

The GLPS had a professional development day, and after my work was completed, we all zipped off to Fitzgerald Park for some sledding. This was back in the thick of the cold snap the midwest received, which makes the sledding noisy and fast, and we were all bundled up pretty well. Just after arriving at the park, I was interviewed by a television crew about some sewage that escaped the treatment plant located in this park, and about which I had no idea. Sadly for the mid-Michigan area, my thoughts were never broadcast, according to Tiffani. And, as is usually the case, Tiff did all the photographing and wouldn't turn over the camera, so she's not well represented in the pictures.

Nick the cool snowboarder

Sophia on her solo kamikaze run. These blow up tubes
are difficult to steer and whiplash fast, especially for newbie
4-year olds; she biffed some big kid at the bottom of the hill
and wasn't keen on going solo anymore.

Seamus looked huge with all these clothes bundled on him,
and Cori, of course, is toting that barge, hauling that bale.

Cori and Sophie, Seamus and Chris at the bottom.

When there's lots of sledding to do, it's best to carry the
kids yourselves, to be economical with the time.

They're all thinking "How soon 'till hot chocolate?"


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