Teutonic sandwich

One of the most over the top Germanic sandwiches ever !  We saw this recipe in a Texas newspaper last winter and just had to try it.  This won't happen often - quite a bit of work.

Each patty is 2/3 of a pound of ground pork.  There are sliced discs of cooked bratwurst on top of that.  Then a slice of Swiss cheese. There is a "slaw" over that.   The slaw is made by chopping and frying bacon, then frying onions in that, then add sauerkraut to that mix and let it all heat together for a while longer. Sliced dill pickles on top. The spread for the bun is more or less equal parts melted butter and spicy mustard.  Pretzel buns, of course.

The jaw does not unhinge this wide.  Had to use a knife and fork.  It was not as strong tasting as I had expected, but of course was so meaty that it is not for the faint of heart.  I'm not sure I'd change anything.   Recipe details furnished on request.

I had mine with a great home brewed IPA from one of Chris's friends.  This was just the right strong beer for this sandwich.


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