Memorial Day 2011

In mid-May, while in our (Acme) Township office on other business, the township supervisor asked Glen, as a township resident and veteran, if he would be willing to participate in the upcoming Memorial Day service. The township was planning their second annual program, to take place in one of two township cemetaries. Having no other plans for the day, Glen agreed.

It was a beautiful day. The ceremony began with the entrance of local bagpipers.
Glen was one of four men who read the names of veterans buried in one of the Acme Twp cemetaries. The color guard were members of the Fife Lake Masonic Lodge and VFW.
There were more people that I would have expected. A descendant of one of the famous Native American Civil War sharpshooters - Comany K - was invited to say a few words.
Our family and friends: Andy Miller, Jack Swanson (another Native American Veteran), Dennis Miller (who can still fit in his Navy uniform) and Glen. On the flatbed in the background is a piece of one of the WTC towers which fell on 9/11. It is a gift from the NYFD to the Grand Traverse County Fire Department.


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