Good food in Lafayette, Louisiana

We took our mid-afternoon meal today at Johnson's Boucaniere in Lafayette. (We have a tendancy to eat two meals a day when we are on the road, one early, and one mid-afternoon or later.) Johnson's is a small walk-in place in an older home, situated in a nice old neighborhood. There are no tables inside, but the porch on the north side of the house has tables that could seat at least 30. That's where we feasted.

They offer mostly cajun and smoked foods. They had several specials  today, including a pulled pork sandwich (Kay) and smoked pork ribs with corn bread (Bil). Everyday they prepare boudin, a cajun sausage (Bil). Boudin is a sausage made from pork, rice, onions and spices. I have had it twice before, and it's growing on me. The skin has always seemed to be like very thin leather, but steaming hot - it is inedible. The filling is ground very fine, and after cooking is like a very thick paste - actually as I write this, I realize it is a pate'. All the main courses were very good, the pork ribs quite spicy, the pulled pork, less so.

I chatted with the owner, a handsome and lively septegenarian named Wallace Johnson. I learned that Boucaniere means "a place where meat is smoked". Mr. Johnson speaks with an absolutely delicious cajun accent. Despite his anglo name, I suspect he speaks excellent French, or what passes for french in south Louisiana.

I have attached photos of the building and Wallace Johnson and his daughter, whose name I did not get.


Cynthia Turner said…
Glen and I want to know if you had a chance to join in any Mardi Gras festivities along the way. Several years ago, we just happened to be in Lafayette, LA at Mardi Gras and we got to watch a couple of the parades and eat at a fancy restaurant featuring cajun cuisine somewhere downtown (don't remember the name). The next day, after the parade was over, we also had some "street food" - sausage gumbo. yum

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