Mackinac Bridge

Three of my co-workers and I went to the Mackinac Bridge to do some business with the folks there. After we concluded our business, we were asked if we wanted to go to the top of the bridge. This is a view from the south tower looking north to St. Ignace from on TOP, 552 feet above the water.

This is inside the tower close to the top. The elevator can't go all the way, so you have to climb through several of these "portals" to get closer to the center of the tower. The wires are for some lights. The lights are not in the entire tower, just were you walk to get to the hatch that leads out on top.

The portal to the top. There are about six of these sections you have to climb through to get from the elevator door level to the top. You have to climb with your arms above your head while you go through the portals so you don't get stuck.

From l to r: Mark Gove, Tom Feldpaucsh, myself and Duane Becker

Enjoying the view and chatting with the gentleman from the Bridge Authority that escorted us up. You can see the hatch we climbed out of behind me, the little square thing close to the railing.

South to Mackinac City
North to St. Ignace
Mackinac Island


Wow - What a great opportunity ! And the views are terrific.
Chris Turner said…
That's amazing, the opportunity, the access, the view. On a 1-10 scale, what was your discomfort level?
Cynthia Turner said…
Thanks for posting these on the blog. The photos are beautiful and I am uneasy just looking at them.
iturnawrench said…
Chris, it was about a three. Uneasy, but doable. Lots of reason to be uncomfortable if you don't like tight places because it is really close inside.
Harry Turner said…
wow - great photos. must have been very cool and usual to be up there. nice weather - lucky for you!

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