And a "good visit" was had by all!

Lucky for us, Sarah had a free day on Sunday and some of us were able to attend an impromptu housewarming. Jeff, Karen, Abbey, Jack, Cyn, Kay and Bil got the tour of Sarah's fabulous new home and also got to enjoy great weather, great food and great company. For those of you who haven't seen the house, the photos don't really do justice to the wide open spaces and mid-century modern atmosphere. But, if you couldn't go in person, the photos will have to do. Photo taken in the front yard, by the parking area.

Here is the front view of the house from the street

And the beautiful back yard

View of the back of the house from the back yard

Sarah's cat was a great hostess too!


Sarah said…
hey cyn, thanks for posting these - and so fast! it was such a nice afternoon to have you all there, i loved hosting the turners at MY house!
xoxo, s.
vaturner said…
I love your house Sarah. Can't wait to see it in person.

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