Hotter Weekend August Activity

If for no other reason but to stimulate blog submissions, enclosed is our second weekend activity, a trip up to the St. Johns Mint Festival with just Tiffani and Sophia. Even hotter than the previous day at the air show, we walked around the craft (crap) show, attempted to buy some mint ice cream -- inexplicably, they were out! It's the primary reason for attending?! Sophia refused an elephant ear (heat? or the chance that they were actually derived from elephant's ears?), and we paid a buck to wander through a packed little trailer with exotic and sometimes poisonous reptiles. Here's Sophia with an oversized bunny and a tortoise... And now with an unfortunately-penned junior crocodile... And again with the tortoise and stew-ready rabbits -- that white one could feed a small village, eh Jason? -- complete with Tiffani and the hind-end of a male kangaroo. Incidentally, why are people currently insisting on taking their dogs everywhere? Just as the bottom picture was taken...