POTUS visits Ghana

As most of you know, President Obama and fam made their first trip to sub-Saharan Africa on 10 July, choosing Ghana instead of Kenya, his father's native country, for a number of reasons, including democracy, economy, human rights, etc. The US Embassy Accra was very busy for the last few weeks preparing for the visit, single-mindedly focusing on the event since about 22 June.

Our office had major roles in ground, air, and sea security and support. I worked with the Secret Service as a liaison with the ground forces, or outer ring, of security, ensuring direct coordination between the two elements. The Navy chap did basically the same thing, but was primarily concerned with Ghana Navy security patrols down near the Cape Coast Castle and infamous door of no return. The Air Force chap was responsible for helping receive the dozens of C-17 Globemasters that we ferrying all the gear necessary to support the visit. Luckily for him, a USAF command and operations group was one of the first units to arrive and relieved him of the bulk of those responsibilities.

I was able to make it to the Kotoka International Airport for his last speech and departure, so here a few pictures from the event.

This is the Ghana Armed Forces Central Band just prior to being screened by the bomb dogs and marching into position onto the tarmac to play the two national anthems.

The Guard of Honor clears their weapons prior to being screened by the bomb dogs and marching into position onto the tarmac to render the proper honors to the two heads of state.

Air Force One ready for departure.

The HMX helos arrive with POTUS and family, who head off to the hotel to change before final speech.

President John Atta Mills, barely visible in gray suit, arrives with his military assistant and entourage. Notice the Ghana Police Service lining the entryway.

President Mills spoke first...

Followed by a very well received speech by President Obama.


Kay & Bil said…
I'm guessing that you're relieved this event is in the rear-view mirror. From the photos, it looks like you were quite close to President Mills. Can't wait to hear the details.
Cynthia Turner said…
Thanks for sending this, very informative to us. Ditto that you're probably relieved it's finished and you can have some R&R.

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