Meg is off to Cairo!

Meg at the airport with her two MUN buddies. They had to be at the airport at 8:30 p.m. for a 11:30 p.m. departure time. They will arrive in Cairo at 7:30 a.m. and be whisked away for some sightseeing before the conference starts on Friday.
Meg was SO excited!
Jason, Garrett and I are flying up on Saturday night and will do a little exploring on our own until Meg finishes the conference on Tuesday, after that we are all boarding a 3 night Nile Cruise.
Thank you Grandma and Grandpa for the care package, everything was a huge hit!

I opened up the gate one afternoon and this guy was strolling by, I never did find out what it was he was carrying but my guess would be some empty jugs.


Harry Turner said…
Fantastic - great picture of Meg! Very exciting. You guys are going to have such a great trip. And such great memories, for a lifetime. What lucky kids.


Chris Turner said…
Great pictures, and finally someone is using embedded links. (If only this particular cruise link weren't blocked here at school, I'd be able to check it out, it was blocked due to the category of "Adult." Interesting.)
Kay & Bil said…
Look out Cairo ! Middle school girls approaching !

I love the guy with the huge head-dress.
Cynthia Turner said…
I really want to see photos and hear stories about the 3 night Nile cruise. Sounds fascinating.

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