Virginia News

We learned this week that this will be our new home.

Keep in mind it is a single guy who lives here now. How does that new country song go... "Put a girl in it!"
O.K. I know what you're thinking because 24 hours ago we thought the same thing ... HELL NO... but Jason and I have had time to settle down and we think it might look different to us once they have eaten the goat. :)

Yeah, after those pictures I think we will all need some of these!

Meg and her chums with their Build-a-Bears.
Garrett's football injury. He wanted me to wait until tomorrow to take the picture because someone told him it would be worse by then.


Chris Turner said…
Hey Ghana Turners,
The front of the house looks promising, it has potential (isn't that how real estate agents say it?). If they don't get to the goat first, you can have gyros when you get there. Love the black eye, of course, and Meg's cute shorts n t-shirts pose represents weather with which we are unfamiliar: it's 35 or 40 every morning for my bike rides to school.

Kay & Bil said…
Do you think that perhaps you could talk your sponsor into hiring a guy to power wash the back end of the house to remove all what looks like mold using the idea that it is unhealthy? Love the pictures of the children..did Garrett's eye get even better?

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