
Showing posts from February, 2008

Sophie's local Corbin Bleu

Sophia has a favorite character in her favorite movie, High School Musical : Corbin Blue . MSU has a wrestler that mommy and daddy like, and he resembles Sophie's crush: Micah Carter. She couldn't stop staring at him last night every time he walked by, so I dragged her over to him at the meet's end to see if we could get a picture of them together, and Micah was enthusiastically willing.

South Padre Island Kites

South Padre Island hosts a Kite Festival every year on the first weekend of February. Since the wind always blows here, it's a fine place to have such a gathering. The event is held on a large tidal flats area on the north end of town. There have been a great variety of kites each year, and this year was no exception. The crowd this year was much larger than we have seen in the past – perhaps the marketing was better. I have attached a few photos. Since the kites are spread over a couple hundred acres, it's hard to do the event justice in photographs. There are often at least a hundred kites in the air at any one time. You can see from the photo of a group launching a big kite, what the scale is for some of the kites. I'd say there were perhaps twenty kites that were at least 100 feet long. The wind is pretty constant throughout the middle of the day, so once they get the big kites up they anchor them securely and just let them fly all day. Often they tie them to ...

Movie review: Blood Diamond

Tiffani commented at the outset of Blood Diamond that the movie choice was going to be upsetting, and I readily agreed, considering the realities of Sierra Leone 's civil war, and the violent opening scenes. Later, I mentioned that I felt like I was simmering through the movie, that the tension of the constant threat caused me to feel edgy the entire picture. Graphic in its portrayal of the capriciousness of African civil war violence, but ham-fisted in the relationship-building scenes, Blood Diamond had an uneven, start-stop feel. The introductory scene and most that follow with the male and female leads -- Leonardo DiCaprio and Jennifer Connelly -- together were choppy, the meeting and the conflict felt forced, with an unnatural flow and feel to their exchanges, and I couldn't decide if it was the writing or the acting. As disagreeable as DiCaprio's character appeared, and his redemption at the film's ending lacked any sort of explained motivation, the actor seeme...

Grand Ledge's Josh Turner (in white) flips Eastern's William Benghauser during their 189 pound weight class match

Posted via email.

Posting via email

Greetings. Due to an inquiry by mom and dad about posting to the Turner Family Blog, I started digging around Blogger to investigate if there were easier means for posting, and I found that posts can be made simply by email. This post was created from a test message I sent, complete with the photo enclosed below. If you're using a standard email program (Outlook, Entourage, Outlook Express, Mail , Thunderbird , etc.), just open a new email, and whatever is typed in the subject line becomes the title for the blog post. Perform the layout in the email -- pictures and text -- and this becomes the meat of blog entry. The address for the email blog posting is: turnec dot turnerfamily at blogger dot com Replace the 'dot' with . and the 'at' with @ (this format keeps the robot spammers from nailing us). If you have any questions, email me and I will send the actual email address without the dots. Hope this helps, it seems like a much simpler process, especially for posting...