Encomienda de la Orden de Isabel la Católica

On October 11, 2007 (Spain's Day of the Nation) Mom received the Encomienda de la Orden de Isabel la Católica by royal decree from the King of Spain! Wonderfully, Ahni and I were on hand to celebrate with her and document the occasion!

Although the award comes from King Juan Carlos I, it was given that evening by Spain's ambassador to the US, D. Carlos Westendorp y Cabeza (pictured here, pinning the award on Hallie).

There were four recipients that evening, so Mom shared the honor with 2 of her dear friends and colleagues, David Geis (on Mom's right) and Roberta Johnson. The Ambassador is in the center of this photo and the fourth recepient (on the end), George (I'm sorry to say, I don't know his last name...)

The ceremony and following reception was held at the Ambassador's house...so we were checked by the Spanish Guard before we went in...

And here's proof that Ahni came too! It was so great that she was able to join us - it made it so much more fun and Mom was so happy to have 'Michigan Turner' representation! In this photo, Mom is just recognizing a dear old friend coming down the street...

And finally, one more shot of the award itself. It is really gorgeous and truly official and dignified. While I know she'd love to wear it out all the time, she was also given a discreet lapel pin that would stand in as a signal of the award.
(There is one good photo of all of us, but its on Hallie's camera... so the chances of it getting on the blog are slim!)


Kay & Bil said…
What a wonderful occasion and it was great that both Sarah and Ahni could attend and be with Hallie. This is an event that not many people could say they had experienced. Congratulations, Hallie!! or, I should say, Dame Harriet!!
vaturner said…
Sarah, Bravo and thanks so much for the post. I'm glad to see that some of your photos turned out. I'm afraid that between the champagne glass and the nerves the pictures I took might all be a bit fuzzy. I would like to add that the lady in the blue dress pictured with the gaurd was Mari Graham, a guest of David Geis, and the one that I bummed a ride home from. The other brightly clad woman in the same picture was David's wife and what a smile she had! ~ Ahni
Desde la Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós queremos felicitar a Harriet S. Turner por haber recibido la Encomienda de la Orden de Isabel la Católica. Estamos muy orgullosos de contar con la participación de investigadores especialistas en la obra de nuestro escritor canario en todas partes del mundo.

Un gran abrazo

Casa-Museo Pérez Galdós

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