Memorial Day Weekend Activities

On Saturday night we had a cul-de-sac party, including a cookout, fire with smores, and a visit by our local robot engineer brothers...they are the ones with pocket protectors, if you couldn't tell!

The robot was awesome and it quickly overcame the human obstacle course, where it ran over kids laying on the street, and a slalom run through the cones.

On Sunday we went down to watch the Rolling Thunder, a motorcycle club that gathers every Memorial Day weekend for a ride around near the Arlington Cemetery and the Pentagon. There were thousands of bikes, mostly Harleys, and all LOUD! We were on the roundabout near the Arlington Memorial Bridge and the guys and gals got on the throttle as they were rounding the bend. After about fifteen minutes we had to leave to avoid monster headaches. There sure were some good looking bikes.

After living here for three years I still hadn't seen all the sights so passed some more parked motorcycles on our way to the Cemetery. It was hot and sunny, so we only saw the Tomb of the Unknowns and President Kennedy's Memorial before heading back to our house for a short respite before returning for the evening's festivities.

A thunder storm passed through in the early evening, perhaps scaring aware the meek of heart, so we ventured back into town to watch the 2007 National Memorial Day Concert.

It was held on the steps of the Capitol Building, as you can see, and the weather held out for us. It had been a full day already, so some rested while we caught the show.

Another late night for the kids, but the weekend wasn't yet over.

Garrett had a couple chums over, as well as his older girlfriend, and we caught a minor league baseball game until we were overcome by the heat. The girls left for the pool but the boys went to do battle in the local lazer tag arena. I had never participated before and had a good time, but not nearly as much as the boys. I think they were taking turns shooting me for sport.

Of course we finished with the standard chocolate birthday cake and ice cream. A good time was had by all.


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