Burning of the Shoes

Last Fall, the Grandson was at our house for an afternoon, and he had on the worst shoes ever created by Man - at least in the opinion of the Grandfather. When dry, they were virtually impossible to get on and off of his feet. When damp, the shoes laughed in the face of any attempt to put them on. And, they smelled BAD. Mercifully, he outgrew them and they never reappeared in Eagle. Until Christmas - when they did reappear in the form of a malevolent gift to his Grandfather. Oh horrors ! - the shoes still lived ! Over the winter the Grandfather wondered what would be a suitable fate for these terrible, these evil, these shoes most foul. At last it was decided that the shoes would be put to the torch - they would be burned alive -as it were. So, on a suitable day, all who had suffered at the hands of these wretched shoes assembled in Eagle and they were BURNED until nothing remained of them !! One could almost hear the shoes scream. Gone, gone, gone at last. Taken a few days later at ...