
Showing posts from March, 2010

Movie Review: Inglourious Basterds

A really amazing retelling of Second World War history, Quentin Tarantino 's Inglourious Basterds turned out to be a long yet tight, riveting, and, of course, Oscar-nominated and -winning movie. Tarantino's combined filmmaking strengths, which are many, come primarily, in my opinion, from his writing and character development. I'm pretty convinced that Brad Pitt rather enjoys the roles he's offered and chooses, from Snatch to the Ocean's franchise to Basterds , Pitt often plays well the more colorful, and slightly offbeat characters, and his Aldo Raine is as quirky and fun as either  Mickey or Rusty . Christoph Waltz's character, Colonel Landa , moves so fluidly linguistically and terroristically, to make his portrayal chilling. Watching Waltz win the Oscar  on television a few weeks back, with the short Basterds excerpts, didn't really provide any insight into how analytical and ruthless Landa was, which only served to make the twisted ending, how...

The Caravan Circus visits the Breslin Center

The Turner/Crocker clan trooped off to the Breslin Center on a recent Friday for the Caravan Circus 's visit to the mid-Michigan area, and it was as much of a treat to the adults as it was the kids. See how excited they are? I don't really see the point of clowns, but the kids seem to enjoy them. Even the famous Flying Wallendas were part of the attraction. The 7th inning stretch.