
Showing posts from April, 2008

With no books or movies, boredom takes wing

I need to remember to bring something to do on my flight, as this article cleverly warns.

Freshman Formal

Getting too old for Dad! The two young ladies ready for the ball! The Fees Rd. Turner girls.

James Bond Week

We had so much fun at our training last week. We stayed at the beautiful Nemacolin Spa and Resort but were kept so busy we really didn't get to explore the 3000 acres much. Although we did take a few of their Hummers out for a spin. The purpose of the course that day was to learn how to get a vehicle unstuck. However, all of us were such good drivers we never got stuck so one of the instructors had to "stick" a vehicle. This poor yellow Hummer was high centered and we had to get it unstuck by using two different techniques: unassisted and assisted. For the unassisted exercise we used a tree and a winch. The second time we used another vehicle and that was quicker and much easier. We couldn't have done any of this without the support from Bil & Kay. Not only did Jason and I have a good time, the kids had fun too! THANK YOU!

Nick's weekend with the Spartans

OK, let's all admit it, this blog is just an excuse to share pictures of our kids, right? This weekend past Nick and I headed out to Michigan State for a youth football clinic , lunch, and the football scrimmage . We parked in the lot adjacent to the stadium, raced across the street as a megaphone-equipped coach barked about the imminent closing of the gate, and got sent off to the 8 to 9 year old group accompanied by our chaperone, Connor Dixon . We were told there were approximately 500 kids, all clad in green or white, with just as many adults, and I lost Nick an occasion or two due to the crowds. But our chaperone was about 6 and half feet tall, wearing a #10 jersey, so our group was easy to relocate. I forgot a camera, so all of these pictures were taken with my phone . First station was the general throwing area, where we received instruction from the starting quarterback himself, the follicularly-challenged lad in the white jersey, at right. I like this picture just for the...

Turners westward, continued

Rest area just west of Omaha, with the Platte River valley beyond and Lincoln in our grasp.

Belknap Turners to Lincoln

But before we arrive at our destination, it's not heaven, it's Iowa . Leaving after work on Thursday, just as mom and dad deflatingly call to say they've checked into the hotel at which we will meet after a seven and half hour drive. Otis off to his doggy hotel with Gary and Ginger, pre-prepared dinner in the van on I-94 near Kalamazoo , DVDs on the mobile player , rain to go with the traffic just west of Chicago, pancake flat Illinois farmland, a twilight crossing of the Mississippi river, and finally, the Iowa City Travelodge . A groggy dad greeted and had pre-registered us (thank you), we visited with the folks for a bit, divvied up the sleeping spaces, and crashed off. The rollaway bed was the desired location. Friday A.M. Travelodge pool fun, unknown to us as the best pool of the trip. Iowa City Sinclair mascot and a dinosaur fan. The Iowa rest areas have art on display , and amazingly, free wireless internet available. This was taken just west of Des Moines. Nat...

Novak's Visit To D.C.

Ashliegh walked right through her socks on the first day. Meg and Ashleigh at Iwo Jima Metro ride. Going home to take a nap. Arlington Cemetery This picture was take in the Amphitheatre at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier We did A LOT of walking! Laura and I also ran in the Cherry Blossom 10 miler, the weather was wet and cold but it was a great way to see the sights.